- CM
- TV
The role of the Art Department Coordinator involves overseeing the entirety of the art department, leveraging the talents of each member – including Set Carpenters, Set Decorators, Greenmen, and others – to realize the vision of the production designer and director. This position demands a comprehensive understanding of all facets of art, strong communication skills, and forward-thinking abilities. Some individuals also utilize these experiences to pursue careers as art designers or art assistants, demonstrating their skills and expertise.

We specialize in designing and crafting props for the film industry. Our expertise ranges from essential props for commercials and movie plots to creating fake magazines, product packages, distant signs, and posters. We work with items spanning various time periods and genres, overseeing the entire process from design to printing and processing. To authentically capture the world depicted in videos, we continuously experiment and enhance our techniques, including material selection, printing methods, production processes, aging effects, and more. Our goal is to achieve a level of authenticity that seamlessly blends into the background, crafting 'genuine fakes' with precision and dedication every day.
主な使用ソフト:adode Illustlator CC/Photoshop CC/Dream weaver/Corel DRAW
水性出力機: ◆EPSON EP-4004 (最大印刷:A3ノビ) ◆EPSON SC-T3250(最大印刷:W610×2000mm)
溶剤出力機: ◆MIMAKI JV300-130(8色)(最大印刷:W1340mm)◆MIMAKI CJV150-75(7色/白インク搭載)(最大印刷:W800mm)
ラミネーター: ◆lami corporation LAMIGORILLA Sisca1400c(最大加工幅:W1340mm)
カッティングマシン: ◆MIMAKI CG-100AR(カット可能幅:W985mm)
レーザー加工機: ◆COMNET GCC LaserPro C180Ⅱ(最大加工サイズ:458×305mm)(加工可能資材:アクリル/木材/紙/生地etc)

We specialize not only in sewing curtains, draperies, upholstery, and decorative accessories, but also in proposing and crafting sewing processes for 3D objects such as stuffed animals and costumes. Drawing from our extensive experience in the art department, we offer expertise in recommending fabrics, materials, and production methods suitable for filming purposes. Additionally, we welcome consultations regarding sewing materials such as braids, fringes, leather, lace, and other design-related elements. Whether you need advice on fabric selection or have specific requests like 'Can you create this with fabric? I want this type of fabric!' please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are dedicated to helping you bring your ideas to life as faithfully as possible.

社内、社外の様々な1シーンを映像に。映像制作からコンテンツ制作、SNSの運用などを担当しています。普段何気なく観ている CM、ドラマ、映画、MV・・・。そんな映像作品の世界を作り出すために多くの人が関わっています。『見えない裏側』で作品を支える人たちの、喜びや努力をもう1つの作品として全世界に発信し伝えていきたい。観ていただいた方々の記憶に残る映像を創っていきます。
I produce a diverse array of videos, encompassing scenes both within and outside the company. My responsibilities span video production, content creation, and managing social media operations. Often, we consume commercials, dramas, movies, and music videos without fully appreciating the effort that goes into their creation. However, numerous individuals contribute to crafting the immersive worlds depicted in these visual works. It is my aim to illuminate the joy and dedication of those working 'behind-the-scenes' and present it to the world as yet another form of art. Through our video, we endeavor to create experiences that linger in the memories of our audience.

商品パッケージや雑誌などのつくりものを中心に、店舗用品や自販機、屋台、バス停や看板、時代もの電化製品、舞台幕などの様々な撮影小道具をレンタルしています。[ ひと手間、ひと工夫した商品] を目標に、FUGA各部署と協力し合い、クオリティの向上を図りながら、現場目線でのモノづくり、商品管理を大切にしています。作品経験スタッフによる、アイデアと対応力で生み出した小道具を、安心して提供し続けられることが強みです。
We rent a wide variety of props, from fake product packages and magazines, to store supplies, vending machines, food stalls, bus stops, vintage appliances, stage curtains, and more. With the goal of creating products with a little extra effort and ingenuity, we cooperate with each department of FUGA improve quality, and place importance on manufacturing and product management from the viewpoint of the field. Our strength is that we can continue to provide props createdwith ideas and responsiveness by our staff with experience in the art department and with confidence.

We are responsible for set decorations. The items we handle range from the computer or mobile device you are currently using to read this text, to objects as simple as the cup on your table, magazines, and trash cans. Now, let's broaden our perspective a bit further - to the desk where your computer sits, the sofa you're sitting on, the clock hanging on the wall. Let's step outside the house to the front door with its nameplate, the mailbox, road signs, and billboards. Simply put, anything created by humans are props, regardless of era or genre. That's what 'decoration' entails. It's an essential element in elevating the quality of a production. We have contributed to numerous projects in the past, and we will continue to leverage our accumulated knowledge, research, and various skills to enhance set decoration in future endeavors

【経理】 プロダクションと提携関係業者の間を数字で円滑に進行をサポートしトラブルなく急な対応にも応じられるよう日々そして先をみてSTAFFや各社との連携をし、作品のクオリティの担保、快適な職場環境を保ち新たな挑戦を開拓できるよう縁の下の力持ちとして会社に貢献してく部署です。
【総務】 スタッフと作品のマネジメント、及びサポートをする仕事です。社員が快適に働けるような社内の環境の管理、作品情報の取りまとめやデータの集計、売上状況や勤怠管理から、資材の発注や交渉、文房具や備品の補充など業務内容は多岐にわたります。作品に関連する移動手段のチケットや、宿泊先の手配をすることもあります。こうした細かい仕事も、出来上がった映像作品を支える一部となっています。
I serve as a linchpin in the company, ensuring seamless progress of numbers between the production team and our affiliated partners. I anticipate and prepare for contingencies daily, enabling us to respond promptly t to sudden demands without trouble. Through effective coordination with our staff and external collaborators, I uphold the standards of our work and cultivate a supportive workplace atmosphere. My role is instrumental in navigating new challenges and ensuring the company's continued success as a behind-the-scenes powerhouse.
My role involves managing and supporting both the staff and the projects. I am tasked with overseeing the internal environment to ensure a comfortable workspace. This includes compiling information and data, managing sales and attendance records, tracking sales status, handling attendance management, negotiating and ordering materials, replenishing stationery and supplies, and much more. Additionally, my responsibilities extend to organizing transportation and accommodations for productions. These seemingly small tasks are integral to supporting the overall film production process.